Scientists now claim that women with bigger butts are smarter and healthier - Health Nigeria

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Scientists now claim that women with bigger butts are smarter and healthier

Every scientific claim is based on time taking research and study. A group of Scientists at the Oxford recently published a research they have been working on. They came to the conclusion that the women with bigger buttocks are less prone to chronic illnesses and are more intelligent than the women with average or small butts. The published research also pointed out that these women have a lyow level of bad cholesterol because of their hormones that process sugars faster.

The Scientists also said in their research that the women with bigger buttocks cannot be affected by heart diseases and diabetes as women with smaller buttocks. This is probably because they have extra omega-3 fatty acids that also improve their brain function.

The analysis from their research have it that leptin which is a hormone responsible for weight regulation is found in an increased level in women with bigger buttocks. Leptin increases the amount of dinopectina, a hormone with anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and vascular-protective characteristics.

Similar studies have shown that women with big buttocks, wide hips, and small waists have a longer life expectancy.

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